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Government Accountability

Over the past four years, citizens of New Hanover County have lost confidence in local government. Decisions have been made regarding the funding of questionable programs. From staff-led initiatives to require EV Charging Stations on all new commercial developments to an initiative to allow halfway houses in every residential zoning district, there has been a lack of focus on the priorities of New Hanover County taxpayers. Accountability starts at the top. Elected officials and staff need to be held accountable.

School Funding

All but one of our public schools is overcrowded. The experts say redistricting will not work based on our current growth pattern. I have a plan to address this ongoing problem. Leadership is needed now more than ever.

Public Safety

Our Sherriff’s Department and our Fire Fighters are understaffed and underfunded. The amount allocated to overtime pay to accommodate staff shortages is irresponsible. This lack of leadership contributes to our first responders' poor quality of life. We need to fund our first responders adequately.  

Fiscal Responsibility

I am committed to not raising taxes. Whether you are a renter or homeowner, we all feel the pain of tax increases. Higher taxes hurt New Hanover homeowners and renters, making our area a less desirable place to live, work, raise a family, and retire.

Addressing Workforce Housing Needs

Our area's rapid increase in home values has drawn the spotlight on Workforce Housing Needs. Half of all workers in New Hanover County live outside the county. We must help our firefighters, police, restaurant & hospitality workers, construction workers, teachers, and young professionals to afford to live where they work. This may ease our traffic congestion. I am the only candidate in the race who has been a part of bringing new workforce housing units to the market.

Clean Water

We need to hold polluters accountable for contaminating our drinking water.  We also must protect the treasure that our coastal lifestyle offers by protecting our coastal waters.