Parental Choice
As a parent, I helped to guide my children through an under-performing elementary school in downtown Wilmington. It quickly became apparent that parents need the ability to choose the right school for their children. Every parent in the State of North Carolina deserves that right, especially when the system has failed their community. The first step in any economic development strategy is to develop an educated work force.
No to Critical Race Theory
Critical Race Theory threatens the very fabric of our American way of life. As your state house representative, I’ll support legislation to block Critical Race Theory from being taught in our public schools.
Safety and how to handle crime.
Supporting our police and law enforcement should always be a priority, but the last two years have shown that Democrats have a selective enforcement agenda that does not benefit the average North Carolinian. North Carolina must be tough on crime and follow through strict enforcement of punitive measures. Protection and better pay for our law enforcement and first responders is important for my campaign. Non-violent offenders should be offered training in the trades to help prevent recidivism.
No to Medicaid Expansion
Democrats like my opponent think the way to fix the Affordable Care Act is to expand Medicaid. As a state, North Carolina needs to put its foot down and demand Congress fix the health insurance system they screwed up. Expansion of Medicaid must be stopped.
Jobs/Economic Development
Lower taxes and reduced regulations will be a key first step to growing jobs and economic development. Building a statewide startup support network will foster a creative environment that will help entrepreneurs in all 100 counties get started and provide better building blocks for success. Our economic development agencies should establish an easy to understand “dashboard” for reporting metrics of successes and missed opportunities.
Statewide Start-Up Ecosystem
This would include tax credits for North Carolina Residents and NC based businesses who invest in early stage startups in high growth industry sectors.
Accelerate the Legislative Progress
The Republican led legislature has made great progress in keeping our Rainy-Day Fund FULLY FUNDED. My opponent takes great pride in how she has worked against those efforts. We should continue to protect that while lowering corporate taxes and streamlining regulations, so it is easier for businesses to invest and expand in North Carolina.