

Parental Choice

As a parent, I helped to guide my children through an under-performing elementary school in downtown Wilmington. It quickly became apparent that parents need the ability to choose the right school for their children. Every parent in the State of North Carolina deserves that right, especially when the system has failed their community. The first step in any economic development strategy is to develop an educated work force. 

No to Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory threatens the very fabric of our American way of life. As your state house representative, I’ll support legislation to block Critical Race Theory from being taught in our public schools. 


Accelerate the Legislative Progress

The Republican controlled legislature has made great progress in keeping our Rainy-Day Fund FULLY FUNDED. My opponent takes great pride in how she has worked against those efforts.  We should continue to protect that while lowering corporate taxes and streamlining regulations, so it is easier for businesses to invest and expand in North Carolina.